// Begin remove Divi Blog Module featured image crop function pa_blog_image_width($width) { return '9999'; } function pa_blog_image_height($height) { return '9999'; } add_filter( 'et_pb_blog_image_width', 'pa_blog_image_width' ); add_filter( 'et_pb_blog_image_height', 'pa_blog_image_height' ); // End remove Divi Blog Module featured image crop
Beach Please
User research, UX/UI, prototyping

the challenge

Create an application which engages users to protect and preserve coastal natural areas

the scope

36 hours, 3 members, develop a functioning app prototype

the problem to solve

Tourists to coastal Australian areas don’t always understand simple sustainable practices they can undertake to reduce their footprint whilst holidaying.

the process

Identify software and processes for our new team (Teams, Miro, XD) 
Individual research and brainstorm
Identify target audience
Ideate and collaborate on a rage of solution ideas
Develop storyline as a key driver for the gamified app. Humour became a focus for both story and visual style. 
Create user flows
Illustration and high fidelity prototype  

the outcome

Beach Please introduces visitors to simple sustainable practices they can embody in their everyday life through a gamified app. The user is intuitively led through a sustainable and coast friendly day trip to Torquay, teaching them and reinforcing behaviour that is friendly to our beaches and oceans through the collection of characters. Users can learn additional information such as specific communities initiatives and surf slang through pop-ups. Our design utilises gestures that are familiar to users such as tapping and sliding allowing them to intuitively use the app. The illustration style is set in parallel to the slang and humour filled dialogue in the app. Its vibrance and relevant style mirror that of animated sitcoms currently popular with those aged between 18 and 35.

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