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My Swinplan
user research, UX/UI, user testing

the challenge

To create an online course planning platform specifically for students undertaking a bachelor of design with the aim of reducing planning errors, stress and confusion currently experienced by some students.

the scope

12 weeks, 2 researchers/designers, research, develop and test a solution producing a high function prototype

the problem to solve

Swinburne students are currently running into issues with their course plan if they have come into the course through differing circumstances (advanced standing, tafe to uni, international student.) The current planning system has a lack of interaction and flexibility and doesn’t look at the course in a holistic manner.

the process

Return brief and identify client requirements

Primary research regarding competitors’ planning process

Secondary research on related platforms, stats and expert opinions

Triangulation research with users incorporating focus groups, surveys and interviews

Develop a deeper understanding through personas, journey maps, interaction modelling and goal models

Ideate and visualise concepts

low fidelity prototype and testing of design with real users and expert user

Iteration and further development of high fidelity prototype and testing with real users

Presentation to Swinburne team and developers for handover

the outcome

Mobile and web app designed which integrates with Swinburne’s current website to reduce additional touchpoints. The resolution allows students to filter courses, majors and component units to create a plan tailored to their course and workload availabilities preventing existing planning errors

Suggestion to utilise the application as a source of truth and part of education for those working in course planning

next steps

Project developed by Swinburne’s team depending on funding availability
Addition of autofill function to reduce the time spent on enrollment/planning
Integration with enrollment system so students can plan and enrol from one hub further reducing touchpoints

This project was completed along side Jane Novella, as part of our UX Capstone at Swinburne University. We worked together to complete research, gain student insights, ideate and user tests, with Jane placing her focus on the web solution and my focus on the mobile. The project was taken to the education and development team but is awaiting funding. 

This project was completed alongside Jane Novella, as part of our UX Capstone at Swinburne University. We worked together to complete research, gain student insights, ideate and user tests, with Jane placing her focus on the web solution and my focus on the mobile. The project was taken to the education and development team but is awaiting funding.

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